Taking the inside out with this small family garden in Southfields, SW18
The existing garden was an under utilised resource that was seldom used when living space was at a premium. The raised level decking acts as a natural and seamless extension with the kitchen. Clever use of materials create both a focal point water feature wall, while also providing concealed storage behind it. The raised level decking acts as a natural and seamless extension with the kitchen.
Project Brief
When room is at a premium. The family needed the garden to be multi-purpose in creating additional quality living space, plus provide some much needed storage space and provide a focal point.
Project Solution
A composite raised deck to provide a seamless transition from inside to out, leading to a small ‘natural looking’ artificial lawn. We created a tall rendered wall with letterbox water feature to provide a focal point, but also behind the wall sits a covered storage for bikes and other essentials of active family life. You hardly notice the garden gate behind the lateral timber screen. The garden is now part of the kitchen and the kitchen part of the garden. This small garden now ticks all this boxes for this family.
Project Features
- Composite deck is ultra-low maintenance
- Storage in a small garden can spoil the view if not successfully accommodated
- A small garden needs plants and a scheme can be designed to reflect the owners expertise
- Lighting scheme helps you enjoy the view beyond the hours of daylight